Thursday, November 8, 2007


Today, America is at war: at war with Iraq and at war with itself. America is killing individuals in other countries, but it is also killing its own people. This country was built on freedom and justice; however, are these principles being fulfilled today? Troy Davis, a black man who has been on death row for 16 years for killing a police officer in Savannah Georgia, has been deprived of these rights. Evidence suggests Troy did not commit the crime. Troy’s case is based strictly on eyewitness accounts in which seven of the nine witnesses recanted. These eyewitnesses state they were coerced by the prosecutor and police. Also, the murder weapon was not found and gun powder residue was not found on his body.

How can America put someone on death row without a fair trial and with no evidence? America must re-evaluate the system so that it is fair for everyone. America has checks and balances; however, situations like Troy’s are still occurring. We, as Americans, must do our jobs as citizens and fight for the rights of those being wrongly accused. We cannot let a man like Troy be put to death for a crime he may not have committed.

Troy has been granted a 90-day clemency. On November 13, the Georgia Supreme Court will decide whether he will receive a new and fair trial. However, we will not know the verdict until January 2008. Hopefully, Troy will have a chance to prove that innocence matters.


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