Thursday, November 8, 2007


We’ve been focusing on the case of Troy Davis all semester. And as the date to be heard in front of the U.S. Supreme Court draws near, I find that I’m getting nervous. The weeks of writing and emails, the celebration of “Troy Davis Day” on campus, the phone calls and emails – surely they haven’t all been in vain. I can only begin to imagine the angst that Troy is feeling in Georgia.

My stance on this case was first based solely on logic. After reviewing the case details provided by our professor and those available on Amnesty International’s website, I couldn’t help but think the evidence was overwhelmingly in Troy’s favor. But the letters and updates that our class has received from Troy and his family have strengthened my stance, extending it from logical to emotional.

I know that not everything in life works out as it should. I also know that we're working for a good cause. I find the evidence and reasoning made the details easier to work with, but it doesn’t lessen the meaning. The hard work that we’ve done has been educational, purposeful and may affect other people’s lives. That’s more than many can say about their own endeavors. It’s work that we’ll continue to do because it’s the right course of action. I have faith that the outcome will be just and fair, and in times of doubt, I remind myself that faith makes things possible, not easy.


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